

Wire-Wrapped Leather Earrings

With Jackie Daugherty

When: Sat, Feb 22 from 1-3pm

Using a variety of beads, wire and leather, participants will create 2 pairs of earrings while learning simple jewelry making techniques.


Slow-Stitched Fabric Journal

With Jackie Daugherty

When: Sat, Mar 15 from 12:30-3:30pm

Learn to create a unique journal or sketchbook using recycled materials and Boro-inspired stitching.


Linocut Printing

With Christopher Ganz

When: Sat, April 5 from 10am - 4pm

Learn to create your own 3-color linocut prints with professional printmaker, Christopher Ganz! You’ll create a series of prints using a reduction carving process between each layer of color. This workshop is fantastic for beginners or those looking to get back into printmaking!