Window to the Soul
Curated By: Saw Kennedy

Shan Man Portrait, Min San Shar

Paduang Woman, Min San Shar

Karen Woman and Man With Drum, Min San Shar

The Girl with the Pot, Win Win

Burmese Lady, Win Win

The Rose, Win Win

Fisherman on the Beach, Win Win

Lishu Woman, Ko Maung Win Hla

Woman With No Shirt, Ko Maung Win Hla

Buddhist Nuns on their way to Food Collection, Saw Poe Dah

A Horse and Carriage, Saw Poe Dah

Temple and Two Nuns, Saw Poe Dah

Village Series (Vertical), Soe Htay
Village Series River with Hillside, Soe Htay

Village Series Woman in boat, Soe Htay

Village Series People walking by river, Soe Htay

Village Series Boat in River with Structure, Soe Htay

Village Series People in River, Soe Htay

Pa-O People, Mg Kyaw Khaung

Two Padaung Women, Mg Kyaw Khaung

Naga People in Myanmar, Soe Aung

A Man and His Guitar, Soe Aung

Mother and Daughter at Peace, Soe Aung

Passing the Flag to the Next Generation, Saw Eh

The Flag of Courage, Saw Eh

Preparation for War, Saw Eh

Karen Tradtional Dancers, Saw Eh

Wrist Tying Ceremony, Ku Paw

Dancing, Ku Paw

Stranger's Face Disappearing Face, Ko Sid

Stranger's Face 3/4 Face, Ko Sid

Stranger's Face Long Face, Ko Sid

Began Series Blue horses, Soe Aung

Began Series Blue and Yellow, Su Eaindra

Bagan Series Red Domes, Soe Aung

Began Series Red horses & carts, Su Eaindra

Medium Purple, Ni Po U

Large Pink, Ni Po U

Medium Green, Ni Po U

Sunset in Bagan, Co Thiee

Early Morning Food Distrubution, Co Thiee

Sunset Over Chin State Mountain Range, Co Thiee

The Buffalo Boy, Satt Aung T.T.

Lonely Night, Satt Aung T.T.

Water Buffalo Charging, Satt Aung T.T.

Peace and War, Ar Thet Oo

Dancing with the Angel, Ar Thet Oo

Stop War, Hei Ar Heison

Fishing Time With My Daughters, Htoo Pac
Liberty and Destiny, Htoo Pac
The Little Brother, Raw Nay Kaw Htoo
Tiger Face, Ku Paw
Junior Kenndy, Saw Kennedy
Saw and Junior Kenndy, Saw Kennedy
Leisue Woman, Saw Kenndy
Thank you for joining us for Window to the Soul, a group exhibition of 19 Myanmar artists curated by Saw Kennedy. Window to the Soul offers the viewer a glimpse into the rich culture, history, landscape, traditional practices and resilient peoples of Myanmar. Featuring artwork by: Ko Maung Win Hla, Mg Kyaw Khaung, Art Thet Oo, Co Thiee, Soe Aung, Ni Po U, Soe Htay, Ko Sid, Satt Aungtt, Su Eaindra, Win Win, Saw Eh, Saw Poe Dah, Hei Ar Heison, Raw Nay Kaw Htoo, Saw Kennedy, Ku Paw, Htoo Pac, and Min San Shar.