40th National Print Exhibition

Ecstasy of the Surface, Leekyung Kang, etching and bookbinding, 30 x 30 inches

Ecstasy of the Surface, Leekyung Kang, etching and bookbinding, 30 x 30 inches

Ecstasy of the Surface, Leekyung Kang, etching and bookbinding, 30 x 30 inches

Ecstasy of the Surface, Leekyung Kang, etching and bookbinding, 30 x 30 inches

Monkey’s Fist, John Klosterman, linocut on monotype, 33 x 26 inches

Flower Moon, Raymond DeCicco, aluminography, 24 x 16 inches

Immanent Critique, David Newman, lithograph, 27 x 31 inches

Water & Gas (version one), Judy Berman Hochberg, polymer plate photogravure, 15 x 15 inches (unframed), 20.5 x 20.5 inches (framed)

Two Sides of a Painting, Sarah Smelser, monotype, 7 x 6 inches (unframed), 16 x 13 inches (framed)

Turbid Tidings, Wes Beeler, screenprint, reduction, 20 x 15 inches (unframed), 25 x 19 (framed)

Down to Size, Wes Beeler, screenprint, reduction, 20 x 15 inches (unframed), 25 x 19 (framed)

Metadata: Danger Here, Darren Houser, digital screenprint; 20 x 15 inches (unframed), 27 x 21 (framed)

Capacity, Muriel Condon, woodcut, 26 x 26 inches

Dark Days: August, Andrew Kozlowski, linocut screenprint, 19 x 15 inches (unframed), 21 x 17 (framed)

Dark Days: June, Andrew Kozlowski, linocut screenprint, 19 x 15 inches (unframed), 21 x 17 (framed)

Henry, Diego Briceno, lithograph, 15 x 13 inches (framed), 9 x 6 inches (unframed)

St. Pauli, Patron Saint of the Reeperbahn, Steven Kostell, handmade paper and pigmented pulp print, 7.25 x 60 inches (side a)

St. Pauli, Patron Saint of the Reeperbahn, Steven Kostell, handmade paper and pigmented pulp print, 7.25 x 60 inches (side b)

Ammo and Oil and Fighting Men, Jake Lee, screenprint and collage, 32 x 23 (framed)

Options at Levels, Brandon Williams, multi-plate etching, 20 x 16 inches (framed)

Sequence, William Hosterman, etching, 15 x 23 inches (framed)

Aggregate, William Hosterman, etching and collage, 30 x 37 inches (framed)

Desiree Wings, Yuji Hiratsuka, intaglio, 40 x 28 inches (framed)

Place, Andrew DeCaen, lithograph, 25 x 29 inches (framed)

The Step Wall, Craig Fisher, aquatint, 24 x 18 inches (unframed), 32 x 24 inches (framed)

5:09, Justin Lorenzen, linocut, 14 x 11 inches

Impossible Alternatives, Amanda Durig, etching and aquatint, 23 x 31 inches (framed)

Nine Months, David Johnson, intaglio, 33 x 26 inches (framed)

Swatch #15, Noah Breuer, woodcut, 23 x 16 inches (framed)

Siena, Keith Buswell, intaglio, 20 x 19 inches (framed)

Orvieto, Keith Buswell, intaglio, 20 x 19 inches (framed)

On the March, Cathy Jean Clark, etching and lithograph, 38 x 32 inches (framed)

Female with Hand Over Mouth, Kate Borcherding, litograph and monoprint, 26 x 22 inches (framed)

A Sunday Afternoon in September: Walking Through Gamcheon, Lauren Cummings, etching and sugarlift aquatint, 20 x 27 inches (framed)

Forevermore with Boston, Lauren Cummings, etching and sugarlift aquatint, 18 x 14 inches (framed)

Small Stacks II, Steve Garst, engraving and relief print, 4 x 4 inches (unframed), 13 x 13 inches (framed)

Stockpile, Steve Garst, engraving and relief print, 4 x 4 inches (unframed), 13 x 13 inches (framed)

Noumena, Cathie Crawford, reduction woodcut, 28 x 40 inches (framed)

Poor Man's Dream, Sara Tabbert, Woodcut, 18 x 15 inches

Under Construction, Brian Paulsen, drypoint, 16 x 20 inches (framed)

I See You, Lujiang Li, Silkscreen (pigments, glow-in-the-dark ink), 25 x 19 inches (framed)

Portrait of Cameron Richardson: Piece, Peace, Mark Sisson, linocut and woodcut, 16.5 x 12.5 inches (unframed), 25 x 19 inches (framed)

Buckwheat - Ballhead eriogonum, Kathy Mcghee, silkscreen, 20 x 13 inches (unframed), 24 x 18 inches (framed)

All You Can Carry, Janet Ballweg, screenprint, 29 x 22 inches (framed)

More Than Meets the Eye, Janet Ballweg, screenprint, 21 x 17 inches (framed)

Panic Room Wallpaper, Christine Baum, gold leaf powder and oil block print, 37 x 25 inches (framed)

Woven 2/7, Christine Abbot, silkscreen, 24 x 29 inches (framed)

Waterform 3, Amanda Lilleston, woodcut and layered Gampi and Sekishu paper, 22 x 22 inches (framed)

I Wanted to Reach You, Meryl Engler, woodcut, 32 x 25 inches (unframed), 37 x 29 inches (framed)

Rocket - Vessel at Night, Brad Widness, intaglio and etching, 18 x 22 inches (framed)

A Couple of Worn-Out: Old Socks Kept Together by Moth Eggs and Silverfish, Haley Lauw, screenprint on felt; (floor piece)

Linea, Kevin Bowman, intaglio, 12 x 12 inches (unframed), 20 x 20 inches (framed)

Linea, Kevin Bowman, Convergence I, 12 x 12 inches (unframed), 20 x 20 inches (framed)

The Trees Near Old Stormer Dock, Tyler Thenikl, wood engraving, 13 x 11 inches (framed)

Terminus II, Michelle Martin, photopolymer etching, 27 x 33 inches (framed)

Dewlap Selfie, Sara Hess, collage, 16 x 19 inches (framed)

Incompatible Eraser, Chauncey Hay, intaglio and screenprint, 26 x 19 inches (framed)

Did you mow the lawn yet?, Amber Koprin, intaglio and collage (artificial turf, mat board, magazine, fabric), 12 x 12 inches (framed)

Backyard So Large, It had a Tennis Court, Amber Koprin, intaglio and gouache, 12 x 12 inches (framed)

Behold! The Barren Field in Which My Fucks are Grown, Kalleen Chilcote, copper etching, 13 x 11 inches (framed)

Under All Flags, Endi Poskovic, color woodcut on Haini Kozo, 41 x 55 inches (framed)

This Hunger Isn’t You, Is It?, Hailey Quick, etching, 25 x 31 inches (framed)

Haircut, Teddy Lepley III, color woodcut, 48 x 24 inches (unframed), 58 x 34 inches (framed)

Things Too Wonderful For Me (the hand), John Bergmeier, screenprint, 21 x 18 inches (framed)

Rabbit Kite Drone (after Feldman and Hoskins), Justin Diggle, etching and photo etching, 15 x 15 inches (unframed), 24 x 23 inches (framed)

Death Comes for a Customer Service Representative, Kurt Ihrig, color reduction woodcut, 15 x 12 inches (framed)
The 40th National Print Exhibition is juried by internationally renowned artist and Cather Professor of Art at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Karen Kunc. This exhibition features contemporary printmakers working in all printmaking mediums, including intaglio, lithograph, relief, screenprint, monoprint, letterpress, book art, digital print and print installation.