42nd Members’ Exhibition

Hartly, Jacob Alexander

Marcelo and the Soccer Ball, Maria del Pilar Arrieta

Crisscross, Chelsea Baumgartner

Two Horses, Cindy Bolinger

The Bridge, Kellie Brace

Cave Wall, Dixie Landis Bradley

Lake Jewels, Terri Buchholz

Fruit Bowl, Hannah Burnworth

Cake Stand, Jeb Campbell

The Three Graces, Trevor Campbell

Pod Vase, Eric Carlson

Funhouse 2, Robert Winfield Stabler

Eschenius Ubique Jacet, Greg Coffey

Clouds Reflected, Rohdka Dammeyer

Songs for the Moon, Sue Davis

Planetscape: 46805, Adam Dick

The Headdress, Htoo Doh

Current, Patti Dubach

Tribute to Mich & D, Joel Fremion

Jade, Suzanne Galazka

Spring Sunshine, Lisa J H Gardner

Gateway, Rebecca Good

Homage to P.K., Alan Grinsfelder

Black Bird, John Gruse

Colorful Streets of Crete, Sharmalene Gunawardena

Rock, Paper…?, Jerry Hertenstein

6’ Away, Dennis Hettler

Shapes, James Howell

Curious, Patrick Hunter

Old Man of the Sea, Valerie Stoner Hunter

Love One Another, Tammy Hyndman

Rocks at Galway Bay, Rhonda Jackisch

Breadalbane, Justin Johnson

Cup & Crayons, Rebecca Justice-Schaab

Headwaters, John C. Kelty

Peony and Pear, Dani Kiefer

The Blue Alley in Fort Wayne, Dylan Kieres

Frontline Hero, Cynthia King

Classic Beauty in Flight, Llyod King

Skintone Study, Jordan Kurzen

Beached, Nancy Longmate

Poison Ivy Bowl, William Malin

Everywhere & Nowhere, Ellen Mensch

Mayan Village - Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, Michael C. Mettler

The Butterfly Effect, Carl E Miller

Brew No Evil, Jacob Minick

Conscious Illusion, Dan Moord

Splash, George Morrison

San Francisco, Mary Nott

Sunset Circles , Maurice Papier

Baptismal Groping I, Tim Parsley

Something Old, Something New, Ronald Patton

Cool Down, David Paw

Eternal Sleep, Alan Pflieger

Maybe, Matt Plett

Rearranging the Northeast, Michael W Poorman

Koi, John Raub

and Justice for All, Melanie J Rice

Strolling on the Dunes, Paula Neale Rice

Washing Away the Dust, Kimberly Rorick

Blue, Lisa Rutledge

Cup O’ Coffee, Sue Sells

Social Distancing Wild Style, Maureen Shaughnessy

Is it Over Yet?, Bill Shewman

Velvet Dandelion, Brian Sirois

Lifted Up, Lisa Randsome Smith

Book Dress Girl at the Gallery, Teresa R Stevens

Indiana Summer, Jessie Strock

Peonies, Pam Summers

September Corn, Susan T. Suraci

Red Arch, Steve Vachon

Echo, Kim Vito

Twenty First Century Flying Machine, John Wade II

Blue Moon, Denise Watkins

Elegance in the Park, Donald W Weikle Jr

Turkey Tail, Susan Wenger

Love Revolution, Dana Wichern

Caroline, Chris Wilson

Ghost Story, Christina Winkler

Hushed, Gina Wolfrum

Three Long-Tails - Thailand, Jim Wulpi

Summer Butterflies, Lizabeth Yager

Winter in the Mountains, Sharon Zych